Artikel over hersenwerking bij volwassenen die stotteren
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Brai2n Research (UAntwerpen en UZ Antwerpen) voerde een onderzoek uit naar hersenwerking bij volwassenen die stotteren. De samenwerking tussen prof. De Ridder (neurochirurg), dr. Joos (neurochirurg), dr. Boey (logopedie medische wetenschappen) en dr. Vanneste (neuroscience) resulteerde in een publicatie van de bevindingen in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Resting state functional connectivity changes in adults with developmental stuttering: an initial sLORETA study.
Kathleen Joos, Dirk De Ridder, Ronny Boey and Sven Vanneste
Original Research, Front. Hum. Neurosci.
Submitted on: 06 May 2014, Accepted on: 12 Sept 2014 Edited by: Rachael D Seidler
Keywords: developmental stuttering, sensorimotor timing deficit, functional connectivity, qEEG, sLORETA


Introduction: Stuttering is defined as speech characterized by verbal dysfluencies, but should not be seen as an isolated speech disorder, but as a generalized sensorimotor timing deficit due to impaired communication between speech related brain areas. Therefore we focused on resting state brain activity and functional connectivity.
Method: We included 11 patients with developmental stuttering and 11 age matched controls. To objectify stuttering severity and the impact on quality of life (QoL), we used the Dutch validated Test for Stuttering Severity-Readers (TSS-R) and the Overall Assessment of the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering (OASES), respectively. Furthermore, we used standardized low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) analyses to look at resting state activity and functional connectivity differences and their correlations with the TSS- R and OASES.
Results: No significant results could be obtained when looking at neural activity, however significant alterations in resting state functional connectivity could be demonstrated between persons who stutter (PWS) and fluently speaking controls, predominantly interhemispheric, i.e. a decreased functional connectivity for high frequency oscillations (beta and gamma) between motor speech areas (BA44 and 45) and the contralateral premotor (BA 6) and motor (BA 4) areas. Moreover, a positive correlation was found between functional connectivity at low frequency oscillations (theta and alpha) and stuttering severity, while a mixed increased and decreased functional connectivity at low and high frequency oscillations correlated with QoL.
Discussion: PWS are characterized by decreased high frequency interhemispheric functional connectivity between motor speech, premotor and motor areas in the resting state, while higher functional connectivity in the low frequency bands indicates more severe speech disturbances, suggesting that increased interhemispheric and right sided functional connectivity is maladaptive.

CIOOS voert studie uit over duur van therapie bij stotteren

Er is een ontwerp uitgedokterd om de duur van onderzoek, individuele therapie, groepstherapie, oudercursus, ouderbegeleiding, schoolbezoek etc. Geanonimiseerd gegevens betreffen leeftijd van de patiënt, geslacht, stotterernst

De data worden in .xls aangeleverd door collega's die de specialisatie-opleiding van CIOOS achter de rug hebben en praktijk voeren gericht op stotteren
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Tot nu toe hebben 12 collega's data ingeleverd goed voor ongeveer 400 patiënten.

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De data zullen worden geanalyseerd om descriptieve gegevens te kennen over de duur van onderzoek en behandeling met diverse interventies. Bovendien zal kunnen onderzocht worden of van bepaalde kenmerken van patiënten afhankelijk zijn.
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